Source code for

.. module:: cf
    :synopsis: Provides routines to apply Collaborative Filtering.

.. moduleauthor:: Benardi Nunes <>

from numpy import power, multiply, where, zeros, reshape, append
from numpy import sum as add

[docs]def unravel_params(params, num_users, num_products, num_features): """Unravels flattened array into features' matrices Args: params (numpy.array): Row vector of coefficients. num_users (int): Number of users in this instance. num_products (int): Number of products in this instance. num_features (int): Number of features in this instance. Returns: (numpy.array, numpy.array): A 2-tuple consisting of a matrix of product features and a matrix of user features. """ X = params[0:(num_products * num_features)] X = reshape(X, (num_products, num_features)) theta = params[(num_products * num_features):] theta = reshape(theta, (num_users, num_features)) return X, theta
[docs]def cost_function(X, Y, R, theta, _lambda): """Computes the cost function J for Collaborative Filtering. Args: X (numpy.array): Matrix of product features. Y (numpy.array): Scores' matrix. R (numpy.array): Matrix of 0s and 1s (whether there's a rating). theta (numpy.array): Matrix of user features. _lambda (float): The regularization hyperparameter. Returns: float: Computed cost. """ J = power( - Y, 2) J = (1 / 2) * add(multiply(J, R)) J = J + (_lambda / 2) * add(power(theta, 2)) J = J + (_lambda / 2) * add(power(X, 2)) return J
[docs]def grad(params, Y, R, num_users, num_products, num_features, _lambda): """Calculates gradient of Collaborative Filtering's parameters Args: params (numpy.array): flattened product and user features.. Y (numpy.array): Scores' matrix. R (numpy.array): Matrix of 0s and 1s (whether there's a rating). num_users (int): Number of users in this instance. num_products (int): Number of products in this instance. num_features (int): Number of features in this instance. _lambda (float): The regularization hyperparameter. Returns: numpy.array: Flattened gradient of product and user parameters. """ X, theta = unravel_params(params, num_users, num_products, num_features) X_grad = zeros(X.shape) theta_grad = zeros(theta.shape) for i in range(num_products): idx = where(R[i, :] == 1) # users that have rated product i X_grad[i, :] = (X[i, :].dot(theta[idx].T) - Y[i, idx[0]]).dot(theta[idx]) X_grad[i, :] = X_grad[i, :] + _lambda * X[i, :] for j in range(num_users): idx = where(R[:, j] == 1) # products that have been rated by user j theta_grad[j, :] = (theta[j, :].dot( X[idx].T) - Y[idx[0], j]).dot(X[idx]) theta_grad[j, :] = theta_grad[j, :] + _lambda * theta[j, :] flat_params = append(X_grad.flatten(), theta_grad.flatten()) return flat_params