Source code for touvlo.lin_rg

.. module:: lin_rg
    :synopsis: Provides routines to construct a Linear Regression.

.. moduleauthor:: Benardi Nunes <>

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

from numpy import zeros, float64, ones, append, identity
from numpy.linalg import inv

from touvlo.utils import BGD, SGD, MBGD

# model hypothesis
[docs]def h(X, theta): """Linear regression hypothesis. Args: X (numpy.array): Features' dataset plus bias column. theta (numpy.array): Column vector of model's parameters. Returns: numpy.array: The projected value for each line of the dataset. """ return
[docs]def cost_func(X, y, theta): """Computes the cost function J for Linear Regression. Args: X (numpy.array): Features' dataset plus bias column. y (numpy.array): Column vector of expected values. theta (numpy.array): Column vector of model's parameters. Returns: float: Computed cost. """ m = len(y) # number of training examples J = (1 / (2 * m)) * ((h(X, theta) - y).T).dot(h(X, theta) - y) return J
[docs]def reg_cost_func(X, y, theta, _lambda): """Computes the regularized cost function J for Linear Regression. Args: X (numpy.array): Features' dataset plus bias column. y (numpy.array): Column vector of expected values. theta (numpy.array): Column vector of model's parameters. _lambda (float): The regularization hyperparameter. Returns: float: Computed cost with regularization. """ m = len(y) # number of training examples J = (1 / (2 * m)) * ((h(X, theta) - y).T).dot(h(X, theta) - y) J = J + (_lambda / (2 * m)) * (theta[1:, :].T).dot(theta[1:, :]) return J
[docs]def grad(X, y, theta): """Computes the gradient for Linear Regression. Args: X (numpy.array): Features' dataset plus bias column. y (numpy.array): Column vector of expected values. theta (numpy.array): Column vector of model's parameters. Returns: numpy.array: Gradient column vector. """ m = len(y) grad = (1 / m) * (X.T).dot(h(X, theta) - y) return grad
[docs]def reg_grad(X, y, theta, _lambda): """Computes the regularized gradient for Linear Regression. Args: X (numpy.array): Features' dataset plus bias column. y (numpy.array): Column vector of expected values. theta (numpy.array): Column vector of model's parameters. _lambda (float): The regularization hyperparameter. Returns: numpy.array: Regularized gradient column vector. """ m = len(y) grad = (1 / m) * (X.T).dot(h(X, theta) - y) grad[1:, :] = grad[1:, :] + (_lambda / m) * theta[1:, :] return grad
[docs]def predict(X, theta): """Computes prediction vector. Args: X (numpy.array): Features' dataset plus bias column. theta (numpy.array): Column vector of model's parameters. Returns: numpy.array: vector with predictions for each input line. """ return
[docs]def normal_eqn(X, y): """Produces optimal theta via normal equation. Args: X (numpy.array): Features' dataset plus bias column. y (numpy.array): Column vector of expected values. Raises: LinAlgError Returns: numpy.array: Optimized model parameters theta. """ n = X.shape[1] # number of columns theta = zeros((n, 1), dtype=float64) X_T = X.T theta = inv( return theta
[docs]def reg_normal_eqn(X, y, _lambda): """Produces optimal theta via normal equation. Args: X (numpy.array): Features' dataset plus bias column. y (numpy.array): Column vector of expected values. _lambda (float): The regularization hyperparameter. Returns: numpy.array: Optimized model parameters theta. """ n = X.shape[1] # number of columns, already has bias theta = zeros((n, 1), dtype=float64) L = identity(n) L[0, 0] = 0 X_T = X.T theta = inv( + _lambda * L).dot(X_T).dot(y) return theta
[docs]class AbstractLinearRegression(ABC): """Represents the definitons common to all Linear Regressions. Args: theta (numpy.array): Column vector of model's parameters. Defaults to None Attributes: theta (numpy.array): Column vector of model's parameters. """ def __init__(self, theta=None): self.theta = theta def _add_bias_term(self, X): m = len(X) intercept = ones((m, 1), dtype=int) X = append(intercept, X, axis=1) return X
[docs] def predict(self, X): """Computes prediction vector. Args: X (numpy.array): Features' dataset. Returns: numpy.array: vector with a prediction for each example. """ X = self._add_bias_term(X) return predict(X, self.theta)
@abstractmethod def _normal_fit(self, X, y): pass @abstractmethod def _gradient_fit(self, grad_descent, X, y, alpha, num_iters): pass
[docs] def fit(self, X, y, strategy='BGD', alpha=0.1, num_iters=100, **kwargs): """Adjusts model parameters to training data. Args: X (numpy.array): Features' dataset. y (numpy.array): Column vector of expected values. strategy (str) : Which optimization strategy should be employed: * 'BGD': Performs Batch Gradient Descent * 'SGD': Performs Stochastic Gradient Descent * 'MBGD': Performs Mini-Batch Gradient Descent * 'normal_equation': Employs Normal Equation alpha (float): Learning rate or _step size of the optimization. num_iters (int): Number of times the optimization will be performed. Returns: None """ if isinstance(strategy, str) and strategy == 'BGD': self._gradient_fit(BGD, X, y, alpha, num_iters, **kwargs) elif isinstance(strategy, str) and strategy == 'SGD': self._gradient_fit(SGD, X, y, alpha, num_iters, **kwargs) elif isinstance(strategy, str) and strategy == 'MBGD': self._gradient_fit(MBGD, X, y, alpha, num_iters, **kwargs) elif isinstance(strategy, str) and strategy == 'normal_equation': self._normal_fit(X, y) else: raise ValueError( ("'%s' (type '%s') was passed. " % (strategy, type(strategy)), "The strategy parameter for the fit function should ", "be 'BGD' or 'SGD' or 'MBGD' or 'normal_equation'."))
[docs]class LinearRegression(AbstractLinearRegression): """Represents an Unregularized Linear Regression model Args: theta (numpy.array): Column vector of model's parameters. Defaults to None Attributes: theta (numpy.array): Column vector of model's parameters. """ def __init__(self, theta=None): super().__init__(theta) def _normal_fit(self, X, y): X = self._add_bias_term(X) self.theta = normal_eqn(X, y) def _gradient_fit(self, grad_descent, X, y, alpha, num_iters, **kwargs): if self.theta is None: _, n = X.shape self.theta = zeros((n + 1, 1), dtype=float64) X = self._add_bias_term(X) self.theta = grad_descent(X, y, grad, self.theta, alpha, num_iters, **kwargs)
[docs] def cost(self, X, y): """Computes the cost function J for Linear Regression. Args: X (numpy.array): Features' dataset plus bias column. y (numpy.array): Column vector of expected values. Returns: float: Computed cost. """ X = self._add_bias_term(X) return cost_func(X, y, self.theta)
[docs]class RidgeLinearRegression(AbstractLinearRegression): """Represents a Ridge Linear Regression model Args: theta (numpy.array): Column vector of model's parameters. Defaults to None _lambda (float): The regularization hyperparameter. Attributes: theta (numpy.array): Column vector of model's parameters. _lambda (float): The regularization hyperparameter. """ def __init__(self, theta=None, _lambda=0): super().__init__(theta) self._lambda = _lambda def _normal_fit(self, X, y): X = self._add_bias_term(X) self.theta = reg_normal_eqn(X, y, self._lambda) def _gradient_fit(self, grad_descent, X, y, alpha, num_iters, **kwargs): if self.theta is None: _, n = X.shape self.theta = zeros((n + 1, 1), dtype=float64) X = self._add_bias_term(X) self.theta = grad_descent(X, y, reg_grad, self.theta, alpha, num_iters, _lambda=self._lambda, **kwargs)
[docs] def cost(self, X, y, **kwargs): """Computes the regularized cost function J for Ridge Linear Regression. Args: X (numpy.array): Features' dataset plus bias column. y (numpy.array): Column vector of expected values. Returns: float: Computed cost. """ X = self._add_bias_term(X) return reg_cost_func(X, y, self.theta, self._lambda, **kwargs)