Source code for touvlo.lgx_rg.sgl_parm

.. module:: sgl_parm
    :synopsis: Provides routines to construct a Logistic Regression of
        single parameter theta.

.. moduleauthor:: Benardi Nunes <>

from numpy import log, zeros

from touvlo.utils import g

# predict function
[docs]def p(x, threshold=0.5): """Predicts whether a probability falls into class 1. Args: x (obj): Probability that example belongs to class 1. threshold (float): point above which a probability is deemed of class 1. Returns: int: Binary value to denote class 1 or 0 """ prediction = None if x >= threshold: prediction = 1 else: prediction = 0 return prediction
[docs]def h(X, theta): """Logistic regression hypothesis. Args: X (numpy.array): Features' dataset plus bias column. theta (numpy.array): Column vector of model's parameters. Raises: ValueError Returns: numpy.array: The probability that each entry belong to class 1. """ return g(
[docs]def cost_func(X, Y, theta): """Computes the cost function J for Logistic Regression. Args: X (numpy.array): Features' dataset plus bias column. Y (numpy.array): Column vector of expected values. theta (numpy.array): Column vector of model's parameters. Returns: float: Computed cost. """ m = len(Y) J = (1 / m) * ((-Y.T).dot(log(h(X, theta))) - ((1 - Y).T).dot(log(1 - h(X, theta)))) return J
[docs]def reg_cost_func(X, Y, theta, _lambda): """Computes the regularized cost function J for Logistic Regression. Args: X (numpy.array): Features' dataset plus bias column. Y (numpy.array): Column vector of expected values. theta (numpy.array): Column vector of model's parameters. _lambda (float): The regularization hyperparameter. Returns: float: Computed cost with regularization. """ m = len(Y) J = - (1 / m) * ((Y.T).dot(log(h(X, theta))) + (1 - Y.T).dot(log(1 - h(X, theta)))) J = J + (_lambda / (2 * m)) * ((theta[1:, :]).T).dot(theta[1:, :]) return J
[docs]def grad(X, Y, theta): """Computes the gradient for the parameters theta. Args: X (numpy.array): Features' dataset plus bias column. Y (numpy.array): Column vector of expected values. theta (numpy.array): Column vector of model's parameters. Returns: numpy.array: Gradient column vector. """ m = len(Y) grad = (1 / m) * (X.T).dot(h(X, theta) - Y) return grad
[docs]def reg_grad(X, Y, theta, _lambda): """Computes the regularized gradient for Logistic Regression. Args: X (numpy.array): Features' dataset plus bias column. Y (numpy.array): Column vector of expected values. theta (numpy.array): Column vector of model's parameters. _lambda (float): The regularization hyperparameter. Returns: numpy.array: Regularized gradient column vector. """ m = len(Y) grad = zeros(theta.shape) grad = (1 / m) * (X.T).dot(h(X, theta) - Y) grad[1:, :] = grad[1:, :] + (_lambda / m) * theta[1:, :] return grad
[docs]def predict_prob(X, theta): """Produces the probability that the entries belong to class 1. Returns: X (numpy.array): Features' dataset plus bias column. theta (numpy.array): Column vector of model's parameters. Raises: ValueError Returns: numpy.array: The probability that each entry belong to class 1. """ return g(
[docs]def predict(X, theta): """Classifies each entry as class 1 or class 0. Args: X (numpy.array): Features' dataset plus bias column. theta (numpy.array): Column vector of model's parameters. Returns: numpy.array: Column vector with each entry classification. """ return p(predict_prob(X, theta))